A Clear Sign

Monday, March 23, 2009

Six Months A Smith

Sinclair has been part of our family for six whole months! Wow! We had our 6 month post placement visit with our social worker. We told her how well Sinclair has attached to us and all the updates on her health and development.

Now that Sinclair is so well-attached, we are starting to see her branch out some. She has begun to make eye contact more with people outside the family who talk to her and will even babble to them and point at things to show them. She gets down and runs around when we are out in public much more, too. In fact, this weekend, we were at a party at the Chelliah's (the hosts of her birthday party), and she was going into the house without a parent and playing with the kids while we watched from the patio window totally amazed. It was great to see how secure she is now in our relationship. She still does not let too many people outside the family hold her for very long. But as our social worker has said, that's really a good thing.

As far as talking goes, she has her word "Ma" which means everything. She looks right at Matt and says, "Ma!" She looks at Madison and says "Ma!" She points to something she wants to show any of us and says "Ma!" She has many other ways of communicating and believe me, she gets her point across. She recently learned to shake her head "no" and that has been helpful for all of us (less screeching to listen to when she doesn't like something). She also knows the sign language for "more" and uses it anytime she wants something. She is beginning to imitate words, but nothing that she uses regularly. But that's okay...after all, she listened to Chinese for the first 10 months of her life!

We are so proud of our little daughter for all the changes she has experienced over the last six months and how God has woven her into our family. We can't imagine life without her!
posted by The Smiths at 5:03 PM 3 comments