A Clear Sign

Friday, November 21, 2008

Growing up so fast!

It seems Sinclair has gone from being a six-month old in motor development to a twelve-month old in only 2 months! When we first came home all she could do was sit up. We were told she could roll over, but never saw her do so, and she could not sit up on her own from a lying position. But she was a determined little girl. She loved to hold our hands and stand on our laps and that increased her strength tremendously. We have seen progress almost daily, and in literally the last 2-3 weeks she has accomplished so much. She can now roll over, push up into a sitting position, pull up on the furniture, stand for up to 10 seconds and even stand up from a sitting position in the middle of the floor. She scoots around almost everywhere on her bottom, and she is working on walking holding on to our hands, too. Go Sinclair!

She is so proud of herself!
posted by The Smiths at 10:54 PM 1 comments

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Our Littlest Pumpkin

posted by The Smiths at 7:56 PM 2 comments

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Sinclair Turns 1!

Sinclair just celebrated her first birthday! We decided to have a welcome home/1st birthday party all in one, since many of our friends had not even met our new sweetie yet. The theme for the party was ladybugs, of course! We were able to host the party at our friends, the Chelliah's, beautiful home; they were so kind to allow us to do that. We had about 80 people (half of them kids) show up to meet Sinclair, enjoy Chinese food, play, and sing "Happy Birthday." It was still warm enough for the kids to swim, and we also had some games out for them to play. I must admit, though, that everything happened so fast. We didn't get a chance to talk to everyone or even get as many photos as I wanted. We had to have a next-day photo shoot of Sinclair in her ladybug dress just to commemorate the day. As far as cake goes, we had a white cake with a sun shining down on flowers and ladybugs, chocolate ladybug cupcakes, and Sinclair's very own little 1st birthday cake. She did not know what to do with that cake, but she had one to herself nevertheless. We had taken off her dress thinking that she would have that cake all over, but no. She just wasn't interested. I think she may have been a little overwhelmed at that point as everyone was all crowded around watching her. She did have fun drinking from a straw for the first time as she sipped from a juice box. Overall, we just loved introducing her to our friends. It was a great time.
posted by The Smiths at 12:10 PM 2 comments