A Clear Sign

Friday, August 22, 2008

The Particulars

"God is not in the vastness of greatness. He is hid in the vastness of smallness. He is not in the general. He is in the particular." -Pearl S. Buck

This is the quote that came up today on my Words to Warm a Mother's Heart flip calendar and which was penned by the author who showed me Chinese culture (beyond Chinese New Year, watercolor, and calligraphy, that is). It truly speaks to how the details of our journey have fallen into place, especially over the last two weeks. Let me show how true this quote is. About two weeks ago, as the Olympics in Beijing commenced, we did not have the final amounts--the largest amounts--that would be due for our adoption. God first moved by helping Matt to close a large sale which would pay him just over $7700. The glitch was that the commission would not be in our bank account until October. Several days later, we received the invoice for the cost of our in-country travel for our whole family (hotel, flights in China, etc.) and the amount was?...that's right, just over $7700. It seemed that Matt's commission was meant to cover this expense, but how would we pay it on time? America World graciously extended the due date for the in-country travel until August 20th, but also needed to know how we were going to get the $5,000 for the adoption finalization and the $1000 we would need for meals and incidentals in China. But God is in the particular and He knows every detail of our lives. On August 19th, we heard from two people: one who said we could borrow their credit card to pay for the in-country travel and another who wanted to loan us $5,000 cash. We were in tears! Meanwhile, our ChipIn fund (see the left column of this blog) has gone up to $450 and others have given gifts of cash which will cover the meals and incidentals. We give the GLORY to God! We have wondered over the last year and a half why was God allowing our income to be less and less, knowing that we had the adoption ahead of us? I believe it is so that Matt could not say, "See what I did? I worked hard, and I'm a great salesman, and that is what brought this baby to us." But God says, "I AM."


posted by The Smiths at 7:45 AM


Wow, we are so excited for you guys and can't wait to meet her and hear about your experiences! Are you going to have a shower when you arrive home?

August 22, 2008 at 8:56 PM  

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