A Clear Sign

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Ladybugs are supposed to be good luck in the China adoption community. The story goes that several years ago, while numerous people waited for their referrals, there was a huge infiltration of ladybugs across the nation. Immediately following the ladybug sightings, a flood of referrals came in for many of the waiting parents. Many people now believe that when a ladybug is seen, a referral is not far behind.

We swore we weren't going to get into this ladybug trend when we started out on our adoption. But honestly, we can't resist. Ladybugs are too cute! We're not superstitious people and really don't believe it means anything, but have found ourselves compelled to buy ladybug wrapping paper, stickers, and whatever little things we see.

Matt saw a ladybug on a website the other day, and the ladybug seemed to have nothing to do with the website. It was just there. So that's one sighting this week! Let's have fun with this: if you see any ladybugs, post your finds in the comments section of this post!


posted by The Smiths at 12:50 PM


yesterday at the beach I had a ladybug land on me, I brushed it off and it went onto Justin.
Then I found three in the kitchen when I was cleaning today!

July 3, 2008 at 12:05 PM  

Today I was online looking for a craft for my Sunday School kids tomorrow. There was a whole series on bugs...and of course, the "bug" of choice was a ladybug!

Mom Stockard

July 5, 2008 at 11:55 AM  

we are LID 12/24/07- but lately I have had a lot of ladybug sitings. In my yard last weekend a ladybug landed on my arm and didn't want to leave. I tried to get it to crawl onto a nearby rose but stayed on me... then later I found one on my kitchen faucet and also not a "real" one but...I was shopping for baby boys gifts for a cousins new baby and I have said I am not buying anything now for us unless its super cheap and there one the top of the pile of boys shirts was one girls shirt with an adorable ladybug that was marked down to $1. All I can think is that all these ladybugs means those referals can't wait to come. Congrats in advance from a fellow RQ junkie

July 6, 2008 at 1:52 PM  

A ladybug landed on my hand the other day out in the yard....It would be so cool if that was a sign of a shorter wait time....At this point I'll take just about anything that looks like good news! =) Rachelle LID 11/13/06

July 7, 2008 at 3:50 PM  

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