A Clear Sign

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Sinclair's 1st Christmas Home

We had a wonderful Christmas--Sinclair's first with us. It started off by going to the tree lighting of the gi-normous, real tree at Fashion Island in Newport Beach with Anita's parents. Madison was at a church function, so she missed it; but the rest of us enjoyed the show that was done by a youth musical theater group and Cathy Rigby.

We decorated the house as usual, but this year we finally got to hang FOUR stockings. It was a joy to finally write Sinclair's name on her stocking and see it hanging with the rest.

Madison performed in the Nutcracker with Sunrise Ballet Theater, and most of the family made it to her performance. She did a great job in her three parts: "Street Dancer", "Cavalry Soldier" and "Harlequin" (click here for photos).

Another highlight was that Matt's brother and sister-in-law, Brian and Megan, were here all the way from Pennsylvania. Sinclair got to meet them for the first time, and Uncle Brian really made her laugh, as he does all of our children. We spent the Sunday before Christmas with them at Matt's mother's house to have dinner and exchange gifts. This year, we enjoyed giving special gifts purchased in China.

On Christmas Eve, Anita danced in the Christmas show/service at Yorba Linda Friends Church where we are members. Both sides of the family came out for the last performance and we all had dinner at Chili's afterwards. Not a very traditional Christmas eve dinner, but still a great time.

On Christmas morning, the kids were up before the sun. We put a fire in the fireplace and cinnamon rolls in the oven and watched them open their gifts and stockings. Sinclair's favorite gift was her own toy cell phone. So now she can stop stealing Anita's! After breakfast and getting dressed we headed out to Anita's parents' home to exchange gifts with them and eat tamales and Anita's birthday cake. Sinclair did great with all of the excitement. In fact, she took her first solo steps across the room while we were there. She is officially a walker now!

Before Uncle Brian and Auntie Megan left to go home, we took them out to eat at the Chinese restaurant where we bought the food for Sinclair's birthday party. Megan did a great job learning to use chopsticks. Sinclair loved the fish tank there. At the end of the night, Sinclair actually let Uncle Brian hold her for a couple minutes. That was truly special.
posted by The Smiths at 10:36 AM


how great! she is walking!!! yay!
sounds like you all had a wonderful christmas!

January 8, 2009 at 6:57 AM  

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